Apprenticeship Application

October 2015- Applications are now closed for this semester. Please come back in February when another call for applications will be posted.

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The Digital Technology & Education Society (DTES) was formed to provide a real world training ground for inner city youth and young adults to acquire an advanced skill set to work in the web design and development industry. The program is based on a trade school model where apprentices work beside experienced designers and programmers to build commercial web-based technology and communications solutions targeting SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) and the not-for-profit sector.

Apprentices will work within the LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PhP). The commercial work that forms the basis of the training will be focused on building responsive (mobile friendly) solutions using the WordPress CMS (content management system). Apprentices will learn design principles and use tools like Photoshop and Illustrator. Site management skills will include: client management processes, update procedures and protocols, site maintenance, database and backend CMS management tools and the installation and configuration of themes, plugins and widgets in WordPress.

After the initial training and then working on a number of commercial sites each apprentice will lead the work (under the guidance of a DTES instructor) on a real-world site as their final project.

At the end of the three-month course apprentices will be required to donate one full week of their time to work for a local CSO (Civil Society Organization).

Applicants should be between the ages of  18  and 30, have a high school diploma, and be available to attend evening and weekend classes for the three month period.

In collaboration with USAID’s Development Innovations Project, DTES will provide this initial training course for free starting from February to April 2015.

Training Duration : 3 months
Session : Evenings and weekends
Number of Apprentices : 4-6 (One will be chosen from the staff of a local CSO)
Training Period : 09/February/2015 through 30/April/2015
Training Venue : 5D Lab of Development Innovations
Deadline for Application :  January 30, 2015


  • Eligible candidates must be between 18 to 30 years old.
  • Have sufficient English language skill to attend course.
  • Digital apprentices must have their own laptop or desktop computer at home.
  • Candidates should demonstrate a strong commitment to the program, be a team player, and show a willingness to share their learning with others in the community.
  • Cambodian citizen.
  • Women are encouraged to apply.


  • Minimum requirements:
    – Basic computer skills (ie: Microsoft Office or equivalent, Internet, Email, Social Media)
  • Useful skills but not required:
    – Image processing (ie: Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • Ideal skills but not required:
    – HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql and WordPress or other CMS