Social Commerce

Our moniker – We don’t hire people to build websites. We build websites to hire people’ is more relevant than ever during and after this pandemic.

Those at the lowest end of the economic spectrum now more than ever before need ‘a hand up’.  The pandemic has presented many challenges but it is also presenting new and exciting opportunities to hire and train an army of ‘social communicators’ using the latest ‘collaborative technologies’ from apps like Zoom, Teams and Google Meet to the use of QR Codes to deliver information and directions to to consumers, businesses and impact officers in business and government.

A quantum shift

The global pandemic has highlighted the importance of “connection” and has forced us to adapt and connect in new ways. The global e-commerce market is expected to surpass seven trillion dollars this decade In an article by Accunture they state:

Welcome to the democratic republic of social commerce

The social commerce opportunity will nearly triple by 2025. Globally, sales made through social commerce in 2021 are expected to reach $492 billion. Growing at a CAGR of 26%, the social commerce opportunity will reach $1.2 trillion by 2025

This is opportunity with a capital “O”.

We invite you to join in the social commerce revolution.